Secure Your Legacy With Confidence

Our Legal Team Customizes Wills, Trusts, and Estate Plans to Protect Your Loved Ones and Assets

Comprehensive Legal Solutions for Your Future and Assets

A gray building with a black roof and windows.

Personalized Estate Plans for Your Unique Needs

A gray hand with an arrow pointing to the left.

Simplifying Probate & Trust Administration With Ease

A gray scale of justice with the word " law " below it.

Expert Guidance in Real Estate & Corporate Law

Welcome to Akerson Law Offices!

Our area of concentration is wills, trusts, estate planning, probate, trust administration, estate administration, real estate sales & closing, deed transfers, corporate law, and incorporation.

  • Wills
  • Durable Power of Attorney
  • Revocable Living Trust
  • Testamentary Trusts
  • Determination of Exempt Property
  • Determination of Homestead
  • Formal Administration
  • Summary Administration
  • Trust Administration & Distribution
  • Designation of a Health Care Surrogate
  • Durable Power of Attorney
  • Limited Power of Attorney
  • Living Will
Two men shaking hands over a table with a statue of a woman.
A person writing on paper with a pen.

Why Do I Need a Will?

Everyone needs to have a will. People with minor children need wills so that they can name a guardian for their minor children in the event of death. A will enables you to decide who gets your property.

Many otherwise successful and diligent people overlook what could be one of the largest tax-saving devices available to them during their entire lifetimes: a will. Wills are the primary document for transferring wealth upon a person’s death. It is the document in which you specify how, to whom and when you wish to have all of your earthly belongings distributed. Although this is a vital document, many people procrastinate or defer having one drafted. Consequently, many people die without the benefit of their specific instructions being carried out.

If you die without a will, you die ‘intestate’...

A judge 's gavel and a wooden block.